Business Survey: Future Land Use Development
Forbes Shire is growing.
The Shire’s employment land – ie the land that is available for business in our urban areas - is nearly at capacity, with surrounding land ready to be master planned and rezoned to accommodate future growth predicted by the NSW Government.
Council wants to make sure that our development controls support a diverse economy so Forbes can be the powerhouse of Regional NSW. We have a suite of business ready assets, we just need to get the strategic planning right to capitalise on these.
To move this forward, Council has engaged a Strategic Planner to lead the preparation of an Employment Zone Land Use Strategy which reviews our employment land and master plans its future.
We want to support businesses as our town continues to grow. And we want to support our community to make sure that this growing population has the services and the jobs that it needs.
This strategy will focus on securing Forbes’ economic future by facilitating new business and industry opportunities providing employment across a range of sectors and protecting land for strategic industrial activity and essential urban services.
An employment land strategy will outline council’s prioritised approach to the management of growth and change of employment land within and outside the local government area.
- for employment outcomes;
- as to their land-use characteristics and dynamics; and
- for future growth opportunities.
Council is releasing a survey for business owners in the Forbes LGA. We want as many businesses as possible to respond to this survey! Please work with us to ensure that we are able to capitalise on Forbes bright future! The survey will be available through our website and will also be directly sent to our business database. If you don’t receive a copy and are keen to participate, please let us know.
For more information please contact Council’s Manager Development & Planning, Eliza Noakes on or 02 6850 2300.